The Cornea

The Cornea

8th November 2018 Post 0
The Cornea Picture

The cornea is the outermost protective layer of your eye. It plays a vital role in focusing your vision in that, as light enters your eyes, it becomes refracted by the curved edge of the cornea. This aids in determining how well your eyes focus on objects that are either close to you or far away.

Facts Abour The Cornea

Together with the sclera, the white part of the eye, the cornea acts as the barrier against germs, dirt, and any other thing that can cause damages. More so, unlike is the case with most tissues in your body, the cornea does not have blood vessels that aid in nourishing and protecting against infections. Instead, this crucial part of the eye is nourished by aqueous humour and tears. Cornea’s tissues are organised in three layers, with two membranes in between.

Factors That Make Tears Important To The Cornea

For as long as your eyes are open, blinking is inevitable. Blinking is crucial in that every time you blink, tears are released. They are then distributed across your cornea, which helps in keeping your eyes moist and protect against any infection. Tears usually form in 3 distinctive layers, including lipid layer, which is the outer one, aqueous, which is the middle layer and mucin which is the bottom layer.

Regular Conditions That Affect The Cornea

Injuries are among the most common, and they can either be minor or major. Minor injuries heal on their own, while major injuries require specialised treatment since they can result in corneal scarring. Allergies as a result of pollen are also common, especially during warm and dry weather. Further, when eyes release fewer tears, it is a sign of dry eyes, another condition that affects the cornea.